Free email finder and verifier that works on any website.

Boost your productivity with the Easy Email Extractor Chrome Extension! Our powerful tool helps you effortlessly find email addresses. Easily copy-paste the specific email addresses you need or export them all to a text or CSV file.

Trusted and loved by 100+ people

Loved by thousands

Quick install, super easy to use. Perfect for grabbing emails fast!

Emily J.

Simple interface, no learning curve. Love it!

Mark D.

Works as advertised—fast and efficient email extraction.

Susan T.

My team and I use it every day. It is a vital tool for our marketing efforts.

Robert L.

Gets the job done fast and reliably. No complaints!

Lisa K.

No browser slowdown—runs smoothly!

Jason M.

Support is helpful.

Anna P.

Saves me tons of time on email collection. A must-have!

David S

Free version is solid; paid features is great value for money if needed.

Rachel H.

Support helped resolve an issue quickly. Good service!

Chris B.

Essential tool—been using it daily. Highly recommend.

Jessica W

Lightweight and doesn’t hog resources. Great!

Mike C.

Simple tool that I use daily to help me grow my business.

Laura G.


Still have any questions? Contact us

Easy Email Extractor is a free Chrome Extension to automatically fetch valid emails from any web page. Easily copy-paste the specific email addresses you need or export them all to a text or CSV file.

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