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Get started with the best email extraction solution on the market. Automatically fetch valid emails from any web page.


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5,000 emails per month

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$9.99 /mo

Billed Monthly

  • 5,000 emails per month

  • Auto-Save Emails

  • 30-days Cloud Storage

  • Download as CSV or TXT

  • Share Subscription

  • Cancel anytime

Pro - Popular!

$29 /mo

Billed Monthly

  • 20,000 emails per month

  • Auto-Save Emails

  • 30-days Cloud Storage

  • Download as CSV or TXT

  • Share Subscription

  • Cancel anytime


$79 /mo

Billed Monthly

  • 50,000 emails per month

  • Auto-Save Emails

  • 30-days Cloud Storage

  • Download as CSV or TXT

  • Share Subscription

  • Cancel anytime


$149 /mo

Billed Monthly

  • 1,000,000 emails per month

  • Auto-Save Emails

  • 30-days Cloud Storage

  • Download as CSV or TXT

  • Share Subscription

  • Cancel anytime

Easy Email Extractor is a free Chrome Extension to automatically fetch valid emails from any web page. Easily copy-paste the specific email addresses you need or export them all to a text or CSV file.

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