
Easy Email Extractor is owned by Boundless Software, based in Melbourne, Australia. (referred to as "I", "Me", "Our" or "We"). As a customer of this service you're a "User" or "You" according to this policy. The applications or any services offered by us will be referred to as "Easy Email Extractor", "App", "Website" or "Service".

How does Easy Email Extractor collect data about me?

Easy Email Extractor collects data about you:

  1. when you browse the Easy Email Extractor website,
  2. when you create an Easy Email Extractor account or update your account
  3. when you send support, privacy, legal, and other requests to us
  4. when working with and researching current and potential customers

When researching potential customers, we sometimes search the public World Wide Web. Otherwise, we don't buy or receive data about you from data brokers or other private services.

What data does Easy Email Extractor collect about me, and why?

Easy Email Extractor collects API-based data.

When you add pages to test on the Easy Email Extractor application, API Caching stores them on Easy Email Extractor servers. The data is associated with your Easy Email Extractor account. When the data is stored in the API Caching server, Easy Email Extractor encrypts it in transit and at rest so that other people including the server administrators can not see the contents of the data. The Email Extractor servers use the data to provide monitoring services.

Easy Email Extractor collects data about how you use the Email Extractor service.

When you use the Easy Email Extractor API or the Easy Email Extractor website, API Caching logs data that might be identified to you:

  1. a random, unique identifier
  2. the version of your browser, and the operating system you are using
  3. network request data, such as the date and time, and the URL

Easy Email Extractor uses this data to:

  1. keep our service working quickly and reliably
  2. debug and develop our apps and website
  3. defend Easy Email Extractor service from abuse and technical attacks
  4. improve search results on the website
  5. improve usability of our apps

Easy Email Extractor usually deletes log entries with identifiable information within 7 days, but may preserve logs longer, as needed in specific cases, such as investigations of specific incidents.

Easy Email Extractor collects data about how you use the website.

When you visit and other Easy Email Extractor websites, API Caching uses cookies, server logs, and other methods to collect data about what pages you visit, and when. Easy Email Extractor also collects technical information about the software and computer you use, such as:

  1. the web browser software you use
  2. the kind of computer you use
  3. the website that referred you

Easy Email Extractor uses data about how you use the website to:

  1. optimize the website, so that it's quick and easy to use
  2. diagnose and debug technical errors
  3. defend the website from abuse and technical attacks
  4. compile statistics on visitor searches and needs, to guide development of new website pages and functionality
  5. decide who to contact about about product announcements, service changes, and new features

Easy Email Extractor may preserve log entries for all kinds of visitors longer, as needed in specific cases, such as for the investigation of specific incidents. Easy Email Extractor stores aggregate statistics indefinitely, but those statistics don't include data identifiable to you personally.

Easy Email Extractor collects account data

Basically Easy Email Extractor services require an Easy Email Extractor account. For example, you must have an Easy Email Extractor account to use the API Caching web app or to make requests to the Email Extractor API.

To create an Easy Email Extractor account, Easy Email Extractor requires a working email address. Easy Email Extractor uses this data to provide you access to features and identify you within the Easy Email Extractor service.

You do not have to give your personal or legal name to create an Easy Email Extractor account. You can use a pseudonym instead. You can also open more than one account.

You don't have to give Easy Email Extractor a personal name or any social media names, and you can erase this data at any time.

Easy Email Extractor uses your email to:

  1. confirm if your email address is correct to sign you up
  2. notify you that your payment has failed
  3. notify you that your account's plan has been deactivated due to payment failure
  4. notify you about your annual subscription renewal 3 days before
  5. contact you in special circumstances related to your account
  6. contact you about support requests
  7. contact you about legal requests
  8. announce new Easy Email Extractor product offerings, service changes, and features

Easy Email Extractor stores account data as long as the account stays open.

Easy Email Extractor collects payment card data

To continue using Easy Email Extractor service after exceeding free-tier limitations, Easy Email Extractor requires your payment card data. API Caching itself does not collect or store enough information to charge your card itself. Rather, Stripe collects that data on API Caching's behalf, and gives Easy Email Extractor security tokens that allow Easy Email Extractor to create charges and subscriptions. Stripe meets the highest level of PCI compliance (Level 1). See more on their Security page. Easy Email Extractor uses your payment card data only to charge for Easy Email Extractor service. Easy Email Extractor instructs Stripe to store your payment card data only as long as you use the paid API Caching service.

Easy Email Extractor collects data about correspondence

Easy Email Extractor collects data about you when you send Email Extractor support requests, legal complaints, privacy inquiries, and business inquiries. Those data usually include your name and email address, and may include your company or other affiliation.

Easy Email Extractor uses contact data to:

  1. respond to you
  2. compile aggregate statistics about correspondence
  3. train support staff and other Easy Email Extractor personnel
  4. review the performance of Easy Email Extractor personnel who respond
  5. defend Easy Email Extractor from legal claims

Easy Email Extractor stores correspondence as long as it may be useful for these purposes.

Where does Easy Email Extractor keep data about me?

Data is kept on servers in the United States of America. I sometimes retrieve the data on my personal computers in France. I use the data to develop, debug and maintain the service. The data is erased from my computers when no longer needed.

Does Easy Email Extractor comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation?

Easy Email Extractor respects privacy rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Information that GDPR requires Easy Email Extractor to give can be found throughout these privacy questions and answers. As can information about specific rights, such as access, rectification, erasure, data portability, and objection to automated decision-making.

GDPR does not apply to everyone worldwide. But Email Extractor's policy is to do its best to offer all users the same privacy information, control, and protections, whether GDPR applies to them or not.

How can I access data about me?

You can access your account data at any time by visiting your account page on

How can I change or erase data about me?

You can change your account data and payment card data at any time by visiting your account settings page on

You can close your Easy Email Extractor account at any time by emailing [email protected]. Closing your account starts a process of erasing Easy Email Extractor's records of your account data including Uptime Checks, Results, and Status Pages.

If you have questions or problems using the website to change or delete data about you, email [email protected].

Does Easy Email Extractor share data about me with others?

Easy Email Extractor shares account data with others as mentioned in the section about account data.

Easy Email Extractor does not sell information about you to others. However, Easy Email Extractor uses services provided by other companies to provide Easy Email Extractor service. Some of those services may collect data about you independently, for their own purposes. All of the companies are based in the United States.

Some of these services may be used to collect information about your online activities across different websites.

Does Easy Email Extractor share data about me with others?

Easy Email Extractor shares account data with others as mentioned in the section about account data.

Easy Email Extractor does not sell information about you to others. However, Easy Email Extractor uses services provided by other companies to provide Easy Email Extractor service. Some of those services may collect data about you independently, for their own purposes. All of the companies are based in the United States.

Some of these services may be used to collect information about your online activities across different websites.

Easy Email Extractor uses Plausible Analytics

Easy Email Extractor's website uses Plausible Analytics to collect and analyze anonymous data about visitors to its websites. You can read the privacy policy for Plausible Analytics online.

Easy Email Extractor uses cloud computing platforms

Easy Email Extractor uses Amazon Web Services servers and services, in service regions all across the world, to power the Easy Email Extractor services. You can read the privacy policy for AWS online.

Easy Email Extractor uses Stripe

Easy Email Extractor uses Stripe to collect and use payment card payment data. You can read the privacy policy for Stripe online.

Does Easy Email Extractor make automated decisions based on data about me?

No. Easy Email Extractor does not use your data for personalization or retargeting purposes.

Who can I contact about Easy Email Extractor and my privacy?

You can send questions or complaints to: [email protected].

How can I find out about changes?

Easy Email Extractor will announce the next version on the Email Extractor blog. In the meantime, Easy Email Extractor may update its contact information and minor changes by updating the page at Privacy Policy, without an announcement. Easy Email Extractor may change how it announces changes in future privacy versions.

Easy Email Extractor is a free Chrome Extension to automatically fetch valid emails from any web page. Easily copy-paste the specific email addresses you need or export them all to a text or CSV file.

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